
Sunday, January 25, 2015


It was some years ago when the Internet was just beginning to stretch out its spidery web that I made my very first purchase on- line. It was a Science Fiction movie for my husband’s birthday.
When it finally arrived I was surprised to find 2 of the same movie in the box, I had bought more than one and had no idea how I had managed it. There was really no reason to send the one back since it would have cost more to do the transaction but now I see that its not a bad thing after all because once the kids move out the two movies will be a perfect going away present for them.

The Movie ~
The 1964 Science Fiction Classic
 ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars’
Starring Paul Mantee as Kit Draper and Victor Lundin as Friday.
 Do any of you out there remember it? I’m sure many baby boomers do.
I was quite young when I first saw this movie on TV, and when I met my husband we discovered we both had watched it as kids and fallen in love with it.

I love everything about this movie. From its marvelously designed lonely Martian landscape filmed in vast Techniscope and brilliant color to the imaginative concepts and beautifully written script. And it was no wonder to learn that some of the concepts used in RCOM were years later used in Tom Hank’s ‘Castaway’.
Of course one could never forget the little earthly creature in the space suit. The most memorable of all film monkeys to me was ‘Mona’ the astronaut monkey. I bet a lot of kids back then wanted a monkey like Mona just like I did.

There are always some memorable moments in a good movie and what one remembers is not always what another viewer might recall but with an unforgettable story some of those scenes become the movie’s trade card. Amongst the many scenes I liked of RCOM I have fondly remembered two, which have stuck with me forever.

One of the scenes was where Draper and Friday are eating the green water plants with such delightful fervor that I couldn’t help but have the craving for the alien plant and wondered then if it also grew on Earth.

The other scene was the alien space ships tracking Friday by his wristbands and necklace he wore. A devise used by the aliens on their slave miners to keep track and control.

space gif by ~ All Kinds of Awesome 

So why have I written this post on the Sci-Fi movie? Well, you see aside from attesting to a beloved Sci-Fi film and to point out to those who have missed it, a high recommendation to watch it, it’s the relation of the movie to a certain gadget I received this weekend that stirred up my memory of the movie where I had seen something similar.

Yesterday my husband bought me a FitBit wristband. He thinks it would be a great tool to kick start my journey to a healthier me. Now everyone in the family has one and not only can we track our personal daily calorie intake, food, sleep, heart rate etc but also track each-other to keep everyone on track.

I don’t like wearing jewelry much and have never worn a watch for more than a day in all of my life and the thought of wearing a band made of plastic 24/7 and in bed didn’t appeal much to me not to mention I would be tracked. Almost like being hunted by Man Tracker lol. Then another analogy flashed before me and I recalled what Friday (the slave in RCOM) had worn, a wristband/ shackle. The aliens had put tracking devises on their miner slaves in case they escaped.
A thought occurred to me, God my husband wants me to wear a Friday Slave Band.

Well, after the first day of wearing Friday, guess what,
I'm in the lead : )
 Already got past 10,000 points! Hooray! How long will I last? I hope long enough to meet my goal and loose 30 pounds by July /2015.

Friday ( FitBit ) so far isn’t so bad ; )
It actually shows the rest of the family that mom just doesn’t sit on the couch all day playing on the computer ….lol .
But seriously, I do hope I can keep this up; really want to loose the 30 pounds by July. Now all I have to do besides eating clean and exercising each day is make sure I keep the FitBit wristband on.
Referring to the FitBit wristband as Friday for me works. If I think of it has a wristband that can't be taken off in all likely hood there is a better chance for me to keep it on longer and that’s a good thing because this little exercise helper is like a personal trainer.

Maybe, Castaway wasn't the only one borrowing ideas from RCOM, maybe FitBit was inspired by RCOM too and I'm inspired by FitBit to work on being a healthier me.

Wish me luck : )

Now guys (family) I’m taunting you : )

Until Later,

Oooh, and one more thing, I forgot to show you what the FitBit wristband looks like.

I took the picture earlier this morning since then I have once again reached the 10,000 steps for the day, actually more like 10,209.

And I just had to add this in.

Cookie Monster Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hubby and daughter baked these last week , definitely the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies I have ever eaten and just in time when I decide to watch the calories.

Oh well, something to look forward to as a special treat.

At the moment I see someone is enjoying my cookie : )


m said...

Hey mom keep up the good work... 10000 in 1 day is crazy... Im catching up with 2300 2day lol 🙀

GlorV1 said...

Hi Annabelle. Congrat on the FitBit thingy. I had it but took it back and now I'm inspired to get it again. So back to Kohls I go. Great post and keep up the 10,000. Good way to start the year.

Annabelle said...

Hey M, Thanks for the visit.
Do you like my pet name for the FitBit ~ Friday : )?
Time for you to catch up!!!

Annabelle said...

Hi Gloria,

Glad to hear I have changed your mind on the FitBit.
I have the Charge HR Heart Rate + Activity Wristband.
I'm going to give it a honest try. It's the food that will be a challenge. If you do get it let me know.
We can give each other support :)


A place for keeping my art in larger formats

*** Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ***

*** Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ***
“Where there is no imagination there is no horror”. Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

*** Sir Christopher Lee ***

*** Sir Christopher Lee ***
“There are many vampires in the world today - you only have to think of the film business”

* ~ Spirit of the Night ~

* ~ Spirit of the Night ~
Soon it will be Hallows Eve...Time to create Art from the Dark Side ***Annabelle

~ Turn of the Screw ~

~ Turn of the Screw ~
A Flickr mosaic I made some time ago ~ Annabelle


~ Annabelle

Twilight at Sea

The Twilight Hours like birds flew by,
As lightly and as free;
Ten thousand stars were in the sky,
Ten Thousand on the sea;
For every wave with dimpled face,
That leaped upon the air,
Had caught a star in its embrace,
And held it trembling there.

Amelia Coppuck Welby

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All graphics, text and design:
copyright Anna Belanger - Annabelle

Note: If you personally hold copyright to any images or other content herein and wish it to be removed or credited, please email me and I'm more than happy to do so.