
Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Rose Experiment ~ Beautiful Things Happen When One Experiments a Little

Beautiful Things HappenWhen One Experiments a Little : )

I love waking up in the early morning hours when the world is still and yet not awake and if one desires company they only need to tap on a switch and connect.  

I made my coffee and then reconnected to the previous night’s reading list on my computer I had book marked before retiring to bed.
I found way too much information on art mediums and techniques, more than I could ever do in one life time but a small, quick paper craft incorporating the recycled coffee filters I had amassed in recent months stirred my desire to create the simple project. 

I began by stacking 4 to 6 coffee filters together and started cutting a spiral into the circles. I realized half way in that I had done this before only I had used wool felt. So I stopped cutting and turned my attention to how the filters were tinted in such gorgeous soft muted colours. I dug around for the food colouring they had used but alas was out of luck and had to find an alternative substitute, which led me to Raspberry jam. Yes, jam.

I know I'm kind of  crazy but I thought why not it’s just a little experiment and no harm, Its not like I was going to eat them although the perfume of raspberry is pretty darn yummy and so very tempting!

I manipulated the filters, added water, salt and some Raspberry jam, scrunched, baked and baked again creating some very interesting textures. 

It is only now I see it for what it is. 

A Rose

Romantic and so Victorian!
I think the Rose Experiment turned out quite lovely, don’t you think? 

A New Hybrid Tea Rose that won't  die, almost eternal and will keep smelling sweet all the year through : ) 

'Raspberries and Dreams'

And the experiment revealed another secret.
As I was shaping the roses , pansies appeared . 

Raspberry Parfait

I don't think I will be working with jam any time soon , that is in art but I will most certainly be making these again and this time with food colouring and maybe paints and inks, the normal art stuff : )

Hope you liked my silly little experiment.

Here are the links to two Rose Tutorials 

Until Later, 


J C said...

My first visit here...linked from Gloria. I am amazed by your coffee filter roses. I had no idea what they were made of until I read the whole thing! Beautiful work. And why not raspberry jam!! Already bookmarked you and will be back to explore more. Really like it here!

Annabelle said...

Thanks so very much Judie. Its a Very easy craft to do and they are perfect for decorating gifts.


A place for keeping my art in larger formats

*** Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ***

*** Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ***
“Where there is no imagination there is no horror”. Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

*** Sir Christopher Lee ***

*** Sir Christopher Lee ***
“There are many vampires in the world today - you only have to think of the film business”

* ~ Spirit of the Night ~

* ~ Spirit of the Night ~
Soon it will be Hallows Eve...Time to create Art from the Dark Side ***Annabelle

~ Turn of the Screw ~

~ Turn of the Screw ~
A Flickr mosaic I made some time ago ~ Annabelle


~ Annabelle

Twilight at Sea

The Twilight Hours like birds flew by,
As lightly and as free;
Ten thousand stars were in the sky,
Ten Thousand on the sea;
For every wave with dimpled face,
That leaped upon the air,
Had caught a star in its embrace,
And held it trembling there.

Amelia Coppuck Welby

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All graphics, text and design:
copyright Anna Belanger - Annabelle

Note: If you personally hold copyright to any images or other content herein and wish it to be removed or credited, please email me and I'm more than happy to do so.